New Virtual Zoning Map

The City of St. Johns has created a virtual zoning map to allow residents, business owners, developers, and other interested parties to easily access up-to-date zoning related information. This platform can be used to view the map as a whole, look at a specific zoning district, or verify the zoning of a certain parcel. Properties can be searched using a parcel number or street address and dimensional requirements have been included for each zoning district.

Virtual Zoning Map Link

Guide to Developing in St. Johns

The City of St. Johns welcomes development.  This page serves as a hub for all development related information aiming to provide a transparent and streamlined process for those interested in joining the St. Johns community.  The Zoning Code in Chapter 155 of the Code of Ordinances may be referenced for additional information.

Applications for planning, zoning, rezoning, or other engineering processes are completed online through BS&A.  Permits are submitted using this same system.  Interested developers or those in need of the mentioned applications should create a BS&A account and contact the Community Development Department with any questions that may arise.  The link below will take you to the BS&A portal.

Online Permit Application Step-by-Step Guide

Online Permit Application Link 

Zoning Permits

A zoning permit is required prior to constructing a building, fence, pool, deck, patio, driveway, shed, or sidewalk.  Please apply on-line at the City’s website (permit tab on main page).

In addition to a zoning permit, a building permit is required for all commercial, industrial, and residential buildings.  Please contact the Clinton County Building Department at 989-224-5181 to obtain a building permit application.

Business Registration Requirements

Building, Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing Permits can be obtained at:

Clinton County Building Department

Home Remodeling or Replacement Projects (permits):

If you’re completing home remodeling or replacement/upgrade projects for your home, please make sure to obtain necessary permits and inspections from the Clinton County Building Department. This includes required plumbing, mechanical or electrical permits for items such as replacing a water heater, furnace, air conditioning or adding electrical circuits/service upgrades. If you are hiring a contractor to complete this work, make sure they obtain the appropriate permits and inspections. These permits and subsequent inspections are critical to make sure all work meets code requirements for your family’s safety and to protect your investment.

For additional information or questions regarding permits, please don’t hesitate to contact the County Building Department at 989-224-5181 or e-mail

Downtown Master Plan

Master Plan

The Master Plan is a comprehensive planning document that outlines future community development.  This is a five-year plan covering 2021-2025.

2021-2025 Master Plan

Site Plan Review

The Site Plan Review process is completed by the Planning Commission following the recommended pre-application meeting and submittal of an application online through the BS&A portal. The pre-application checklist outline topics for discussion with the Community Development and Zoning Department and necessary information on the proposed development. These meetings are available to all prospective developers and are beneficial in outlining the processes in place while keeping the City informed of potential developments. Please reach out directly to schedule a meeting. A site plan must include all necessary information listed in the Site Plan Requirements Chart. 

A complete application with all required information included must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator 30 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting in which it is reviewed.  A public hearing must be held, and a notice will be published 15 days prior to the hearing.  Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission must make a decision within 45 days of receipt of any site plan application unless an extension is agreed upon by the applicant. The City is available as a resource throughout the entire process and welcomes any questions that may arise.

Pre-Application Checklist

Site Plan Requirements Chart

Community Development Fee Schedule

Community Development Fees & Rates 2020-2021

Flowcharts for Review Processes

These flowcharts outline the procedures and timelines for the development review processes.

Development Review Flowcharts

Site Plan Review Process Feedback

The City of St. Johns is always looking to improve our development processes and would encourage anyone who has recently participated in a site plan review to provide their feedback. This input will help the city learn from your experience and make necessary improvements. Please use the online survey below to easily submit this information or reach out directly to the Community Development and Zoning Department.

Click here to complete the Site Plan Review Process Survey.