Signs placed on commercially zoned property require a permit.

  • A freestanding, or pylon sign is limited to 50 square feet in area, 30 feet in height, and one sign per lot
  • Wall signs that cover up to 20% of the building face (height x width) are permitted
  • Temporary signs may be used periodically upon approval
  • Flashing lights or signs with mechanical movements are prohibited
  • Electronic Message Center signs are permitted, but cannot shine onto residential property

Signs on residentially zoned property are restricted to:

  • A "For Sale" or "For Lease" sign not greater than eight (8) square feet
  • A 12" x 12" nameplate advertising an approved home occupation
  • Political signs not exceeding 14 square feet
  • Temporary garage sale and non-commercial signs
  • Contractor signs not greater than 12 square feet while work is in progress on the property

Please note:

Signs cannot be placed in the public right-of-way.
The above regulations are a summery--please contact the office before placing or erecting a sign.

Sign Ordinance