The Finance Department is responsible for all revenue collections including taxes, utility billing, special assessments and all other fees.

The department is also responsible for the payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable for the City.

The department maintains all financial records and oversees the yearly audit by a contracted CPA firm.

The Treasurer coordinates the development and administration of the City's annual budget.

The City of St Johns Treasurer's Office accepts Credit/Debit Cards and Electronic Checks for the payment of Property Taxes, Personal Property Taxes, Water/Sewer Bills and Park/Rec Fees

As part of our commitment to provide citizens with efficient, convenient service, The City of St Johns Treasurer has partnered with Official Payments to offer payment of Property Taxes, Personal Property Taxes, Water/Sewer Bills and Park/Rec Fees over the internet.

American Express, Discover, Master Card, and Visa credit and debit cards, as well as Electronic Checks are accepted.

InvoiceCloud, the service provider, charges a convenience fee for payment processing.