Parking Information and Permits
Parking Permits
Permits can be purchased from the Police Department during regular office hours, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Permits are priced per year when purchased in January and pro-rated each month after that. Questions regarding parking permits and current pricing can be directed to 989-224-6721.
New Downtown Parking Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the new overnight parking on streets applicable to the entire city?
No, the new overnight parking is only on designated streets within the downtown. Please review the map below.
If I purchase a $150 lot pass and all lots are full, can I park on the designated streets?
Yes, the $150 lot pass is allowed to be used in both the lots and the designated streets. However, if you purchase the $50 street pass, this is not allowed to be used for the parking lots.
What is the revenue from parking passes used for?
Average revenue per year over the last 5 years from parking passes is approximately $17,000. This is used to help cover annual parking lot maintenance (pot holes and minor surface repairs). The average annual maintenance for parking lots over the last 5 years was approximately $30,000. This average does not include winter maintenance, sweeping, or parking lot striping.
The lot referred to in the new map as lots 5A and 5B (behind Kurt’s Appliances) are really in need of repair. What is the City doing to repair and address this lot?
This lot was placed in the City’s capital improvements budget for the overall cost of $309,000. This lot, like many in the downtown, has problems associated with property access and boundary issues including portions of the lot that are not even owned by the City. The design of the improvements will be complete in the Spring of 2024 and will be bid and constructed in the summer/fall of 2024. A portion of the costs will be legal and surveying fees to memorialize the property ownership necessary for the City to own the entire lot that has been used for parking in the past.
Can I move a pass from car to car?
A pass is not specific to a car and can be used for any car that parks in a City lot so long as the pass is continually displayed in that vehicle while it is parked in a City lot.
What is considered “overnight parking”?
Overnight parking is permitting parking in a particular lot or on street, in specified areas in the downtown only, between the hours of 1:00 am and 6:00 a.m.
Why are some lots permitted for overnight parking and some lots are not?
The new downtown parking plan tries to balance many different parking needs in the downtown. One of these needs is to provide parking spaces for workers who report for work at or around 8:00 a.m. When studying the downtown parking needs, it was observed that lots that permitted overnight parking had many vehicles still occupying spaces that were needed for the employees that work in the downtown. Therefore, several lots prohibit overnight parking to preserve parking capacity for downtown employees. This facet, like many others, will be studied in the coming months to see if any modifications to the downtown parking plan are needed as parking preferences and or usage change.
Contact Us
Office Manager & Grant Coordinator (Police & Fire)
- Phone: (989) 224-6721
- Fax:
(989) 224-2320 - Staff Directory
- Hours: M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.