Snow and ice control procedures shall be carried out by the Public Services Department as described herein.

However, should a severe snow storm occur, once declared a "SNOW EMERGENCY," the Water, Wastewater and Public Works personnel will be notified to stand by and direct their assistance to a designated "Supervisor in Charge."

This individual shall coordinate all snow removal tasks utilizing all available manpower and equipment to accomplish necessary snow removal operations with the following priority:

  1. Public Street System - Priority one, then priority town then priority three streets
  2. Downtown parking lots and public owned alleys
  3. Public Safety Buildings: Police and Fire, Wastewater Treatment Facility and Lift Stations, Water Department and Well Sites, Depot
  4. Designated Public Walkways/Bike Paths

Other - personnel will be allowed to work a maximum of 16 continuous hours, after which they must have 8 hours of rest before they may return to work. Director or Supervisor in charge will call in additional personnel from other departments and if needed, outside contractual services to assist in the removal of snow and ice until snow emergency has been abated.

Once completed, the "Supervisor in Charge" will declare the snow emergency abated and all other snow and ice control measures shall be carried out as identified herein.