When a weather event requires snow/ice removal, the Public Services Department shall endeavor to achieve the following:

Priority One: Streets shall have cleared and passable pavement at all times through plowing and the application of salt.

Priority Two: Streets shall be plowed, and salt will be applied to selected intersections.

Priority Three: Streets shall be plowed only, which may result in these streets having a layer of snow and/or ice left in place.

  1. Priority One Streets - Snow and ice removal is performed to provide cleared and passable pavements at all times on designated streets. (State Trunk lines, M-21 and BR 127 are done by Clinton County Road Commission.)
  2. Priority Two Streets - Plowing is conducted after a snow accumulation of two inches or more in depth following the completion of major streets. Placement of salt at all intersections, STOP sign approaches, and approaches to major school crossing will be conducted with the snow removal operations or as needed.
  3. Priority Three Streets - Plowing is conducted after a snow accumulation of two inches or more in depth during normal working hours. When snowfall accumulation exceeds four inches, overtime operations will be initiated to conduct snow removal following completion of priority one streets and priority two street.

Eight and Ten Foot Wide Bike Paths - Bicycle path will be cleared after snow accumulation of two inches or more in depth running normal working hours. Removal of snow will be performed in conjunction with parking lot snow removal operations. Ice control measures are not performed.